Frequently asked questions
Interested in trying out therapy services in English, Korean, or Mandarin?
Q: How long is each counseling session?
Standard appointments are 50 minutes. Some clients may prefer a longer session, say 1 hour 15 minutes. I sometimes recommend a longer session for the first appointment so that clients have sufficient space to bring up concerns and share their background. Fees for sessions outside of the standard session length are prorated. For session fee inquiries, please contact me.
Q: How many sessions will I need?
There is no “one size fits all” for therapy. Some clients experience considerable shifts in brief therapy of 6-8 sessions. Others with differing expectations of their therapeutic journeys have met with me for several years of weekly or fortnightly sessions.
Q: How will couples or family sessions work?
As with individual sessions, appointments for couples counseling and family therapy are charged at the standard session rate and prorated where applicable. I am conversationally proficient in Korean and Mandarin, so I do work with cross-cultural couples and interracial families.
Q: Do you see minors?
Yes, I see children from the age of 7. For minors under 18 years of age, signed consent for treatment from a parent or legal guardian is required. This will be obtained as part of the intake paperwork at the first appointment. Depending on the age of the child, parents may be asked to attend the initial intake session without their child in attendance.
Q: Do you see insurance or EAP clients?
Yes, I can issue receipts for EAP service and insurance reimbursement for clients under qualified programmes. In addition, I am a provider with GeoBlue and HTH as well as an insurer-friendly provider who offers direct billing to agencies including Bupa and Cigna. Please check with your insurance provider regarding details of your coverage and see if you are eligible for out-of-network mental health benefits (for insurance) or with your HR for your specific EAP benefits (for employee assistance).
Q: What do you mean by confidentiality?
Everything that you share with a therapist is confidential, even the fact that you are attending sessions. However, the limits to confidentiality include
where there is a legal obligation to disclose, and
if there is an immediate and specified risk of harm to an identifiable person or persons that can be averted only by disclosing information (adapted from the Australian Psychological Society Code of Ethics, 2007).
Q: Korea can be pretty small... Wouldn’t it be awkward to run into each other on the streets?
In order to ensure your privacy and confidentiality, I will most likely ignore you outside of the therapy space. Naturally, if you smile at me first, I will take your cue and return the smile. Just remember not to feel slighted if you bump into me outside, even if it’s simply in our building elevator, and I don’t acknowledge you.
Some people are okay with introducing to the people they are with who I am; this is fine by me. Rule of thumb is that in any situation, we go with your preferences and comfort level.
Q: What happens if I am running late for my session?
Do let me know if you are going to be late. While your session duration may need to be adjusted to accommodate subsequent appointments on the schedule, you will be responsible for the full session fee as that time slot has been reserved for you.
Q: What if I need to cancel my appointment?
Because my practice hours extend into the late evening, I require at least 48 hours notice to cancel an appointment. Unless there is an unforeseen emergency, a flat fee will be charged for late cancellations as well as missed appointments.
Q: Can I call you outside of our scheduled session time if I am not doing well?
I don’t provide crisis services to individuals. If you are in need of immediate emergency assistance in South Korea, please call 119 or go straight to your nearest emergency room.